Thursday, 30 July 2009

Hey everyone I haven't had internet in awhile but I finished up the Anamed coarse last saturday and it was AMAZING and eye opening... It was taught by a docter from South Africa who used to be in a hospital but then he found natural medicines and found them to be in most cases more effective and with ALOT less man made chemicals and side affects because of those chemicals. He told us how after researching these different chemical compounds that are in most everything from food, soap, definatly cleaning agents and medicines that these chemicals in them weakin immune systems and cause cells to mutate causing cancer. So he started using natural medicines in the hospital but since those are not "real medicines" he was told not to use them even though patients would come back and ask for Dr. Cleve because they said they wanted his medicine because of how well it worked! He and two other guys taught us of all kinds of differnet natural medicines and how to make ointments and tinctures out of garlic, ginger, artimesia, neem, aloe, and more. Its truely amaing how well these work as soon as we got back a lady with an eye infection came to us and we treated here with an aloe ointment and it cleared up in a day. So it was really exciting to use plants around us to cure ailments. God has givin us plants all around us that do SO many wonderful things! Like dandilions they are everywhere in houston and they do wonders for sinus infections and many other things. And the best part about all these plants is that for the most part they are free if you know where to look or they cost a couple of dollars to buy seeds and grow them yourself. If anyone has any questions about any of this or what they could use when they get sick please ask because I would love to answer any questions about ANYTHING! so needless to say I am excited about all of this and I hope all is well back in America!

Saturday, 18 July 2009

Well I'm moving into a new era I'm my time here all the other interns have left but a girl from portugal is here and me and her are designing a permaculture plan for the farm. This term permaculture is new to me but I will explain it the best I can. Permaculture is a combination of two things permanent agriculture and permanent culture meaning this a plan to both have a sustainable source of agriculture and to preserve the culture of any people. So in my design I must efficiently place the house structure, plants, dams, living fences, animals, water systems, sewage systems to where EVERYTHING is benefitting something just as everything is being benefitted. These methods focus on using only renewable sources of energy like solar panels and water turbines. The goal is to set up a system that is self sustaining where it can run on its own on a day to day basis where you would work a total of like 30 days out of the year yet you would have a constant source of food. So designing this has been a challenge but fun because in this process they are becoming more responsible in their actions with the earth. So ill keep you updated on how the process is going we are still in the research stage but toying with designs till then much love to everyone.

Saturday, 11 July 2009

Kyle and Rusty have started meeting with people from surrounding villages in hopes of creating a community of people who trust and love each other. This is a picture of a house we helped build for the village chief because his house fell apart in the last rainy season, but this one should be the last house he will ever have to rebuild. This is because we build it out of cob which is a clay, sand and straw mixture that becomes very hard and we will thatch his roof which can be good up to twenty years compared to the grass and plastic roofs that have to be annually replaced. It was such a good feeling to be able to help this community build this house for one of its members. this community gets together once a week to work on various community projects like building stoves for one another, building rabbit of goat cages, or just helping someone harvest their corn. so I hope all is well on that side of the pond and I love you all.

Sunday, 5 July 2009


hey everyone I'm sorry it has taken so long for me to update everyone but life has just recently slowed down enough for me to set this up. Everything thus far has been awesome the people here are the most hospitable people I have ever met! and I've been working with Lucky who you cant really see in the photo but he is the black guy in a white shirt and he has a soccer team that I practice with. these girls are all young girls he has bible studies with and is trying to find ways for them to support themselves in attending school. this is one of his ideas in the picture we are building a bread oven for the girls to bake bread and sell in the village. He is a huge role model for these girls. I will write more soon thanks everyone who supported me for letting me be apart of something so much bigger than me